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Top of Mind Thursday October 12, 2017: Up in Smoke
It started Sunday evening with a few sparks. High winds knocked down power poles, and the live wires sparked brush fires. Within a few hours, whole swatches of land were on fire.
Four days later, the firestorms in California’s wine country continue to rage unchecked. More than 25 people are dead, over 3000 structures destroyed, nearly 200,000 acres burned, tens of thousands of people displaced, and whole towns evacuated.
Over 8000 firefighters are battling the worst fire in California history. The combination of ongoing high winds and low humidity, combined with very dry conditions, makes this an incredibly frustrating task for first responders.
In just an instant, a lifetime worth of possessions can be destroyed. Yet, the people who have escaped are thankful they escaped with their lives, and that their families are safe.
Thousands of others are on watch–waiting to see if they’ll need to leave their homes. They, too, know that the possessions they leave behind can be replaced if necessary, but lives cannot.
The outpouring of response from the community to this latest in a string of disasters has been amazing. Belongings may have gone up in smoke, but concern for our fellow man remains strong. And once the fires are out, we will all rebound together.
Nearly 85% of Puerto Rico still does not have electricity. Help us get insulin coolers to diabetics in San Juan. Learn more.
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(650) 281-4854
Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged California, fire, fires, Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, Top of Mind Thursday
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Just a Moment for Marketing: Friction Gets a Bad Rap
Linda advises: Use friction effectively.
Posted in Best Practices, Consulting, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Success
Tagged Bay Area, coaching, consulting, customer retention, customers, Leverage2Market, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing advice, marketing consultant, marketing tips, mentoring, million dollar consultant, San Francisco, speaker, strategy
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Top of Mind Thursday October 5, 2017: A Glimmer of Hope
The scenes from Las Vegas have been horrific. Thousands of people running blindly in fear of a barrage of ongoing gunfire. Nearly 600 people injured and another 60 dead.
Yet, amidst this terrible landscape we hear of people helping others escape, piling strangers into vehicles to get them to medical help, shielding bystanders any which way they could, then thousands of people standing in line for hours afterwards to donate blood.
It seems that amidst the worst behavior mankind can offer we also see signs of how kind and caring people can be. Two weeks after Hurricane Maria decimated Puerto Rico, more than 300 volunteers–including nurses, doctors, firefighters, engineers, electricians, carpenters, and truck drivers–flew to San Juan yesterday to help their fellow Americans rebuild.
Here in the Bay Area, an ad hoc group has come together to purchase and ship Frio insulin coolers to Puerto Rico to help diabetics keep their insulin cool without refrigeration. The first shipment arrived in San Juan yesterday for distribution by a local endocrinologist, with at least two more shipments to follow.
We need to mourn the loss of life in these situations, and to take steps to make sure they don’t occur again. But we also need to appreciate not just the first responders who risk their lives to save others, but the “second responders” who step up to the plate to help out after the initial crisis subsides.
They are our glimmers of hope for the future.
To support the effort to send insulin coolers to Puerto Rico, donate $18 or more by going to the CarbDM website. Click “In Honor Of” and type the words PUERTO RICO.
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Check out the new video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
Limited time to devote to marketing? Check out our weekly Just a Moment for Marketing videos. They only take a minute.
Let us help your business rise to the top.
(650) 281-4854
Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged Frio insulin coolers, Las Vegas, Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, Puerto Rico, shooting, Top of Mind Thursday
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Just a Moment for Marketing: Excelling at Sales Avoidance
Linda advises: Train your team.
Posted in Best Practices, Consulting, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Success
Tagged Bay Area, coaching, consulting, customer retention, customers, Leverage2Market, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing advice, marketing consultant, marketing tips, mentoring, million dollar consultant, sales avoidance, San Francisco, speaker, strategy, team
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