Top of Mind Thursday September 28, 2017: A Knee-Jerk Reaction

Top of Mind Thursday

There’s been a flurry of reactions to the decision by professional athletes to kneel during the playing of the national anthem.

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Quarterback Colin Kaepernick started this practice last year as a way to express his frustration with the treatment of African Americans and other minorities in the US. Though a few others had joined him, this was not a widespread movement until this past week, when President Trump elevated the issue in a series of tweets.

Mr. Trump and others have incorrectly said this has to do with disrespecting the flag or insulting the American military. His suggestion that NFL owners fire players who express their opinions created a backlash that resulted in entire teams, including owners,  joining together to kneel–or for some teams to not take the field till after the anthem is played.

Publicly calling out athletes for the wrong reasons has resulted in unprecedented solidarity and support for those who were not being heard before. But it has also raised the level of divisiveness our country.

This is what happens when we react to the behavior of others without understanding the situation at hand. I suspect that if Kaepernick and others felt there was another appropriate venue for their views to be heard, they wouldn’t need to kneel. Publicly calling out people who disagree with you does not eliminate disagreement or move the process forward–it only adds fuel to the fire.

Are you prepared to handle public disagreement with your business? Take the time now to think of a more effective way to engage with those who disagree with you. Nothing good comes from a knee-jerk reaction.

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Top of Mind Thursday September 21, 2017: A Time for Change

Top of Mind Thursday

Today is the first day of Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish New Year. It’s also a time of great turmoil and trouble in the world. 

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We’re seeing a third disastrous hurricane, plus two major earthquakes in Mexico–all in less than a month. We may be on the verge of war with North Korea. Our health care, civil rights, clean air, and water all seem to be under attack at once.

Yet the message of Rosh Hashonah is that we are capable of change–changing ourselves and changing the world. From the depths of despair, we have the ability to recover and create a new world full of goodness.

When faced with disaster or personal crisis, we often feel like our lives are going to pieces. It can feel like so much is out of our control and that we go from one crisis to another.

During this season, I invite you to break the chain. Start a new effort to put the pieces back together—of your own life if necessary, to help others who are hurting badly, and to put our country back together, too. You don’t have to be Jewish to use this opportunity to start again now. We offer a free Happy New Year’s pass to anyone who’d like a new start.

In that spirit, I wish you and your family a year filled with health, happiness, prosperity, and success, and, this year in particular, with peace.

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Just a Moment for Marketing: Can You Have Not Enough Friction?

Creative disagreement leads to new ideas and improvements.

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Top of Mind Thursday September 14, 2017: Emergency Response

Top of Mind Thursday

In the last two weeks, we marked the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the 12th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which caused devastating flooding and damage in the New Orleans area.

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We also saw two extremely powerful hurricanes wreak damage in Houston and Florida.  The good news is that while Harvey and Irma caused significant property damage, there were limited lives lost.

The 9/11 attacks exposed the flaws in our emergency response systems–fire and police departments were not coordinated, there was no central federal agency to step in, and we had no expectation that two of the tallest buildings in America could be leveled by a direct hit from an airplane.

We’ve learned since then. Our emergency responders drill for both natural and manmade disasters. Local, state, and federal agencies coordinate to provide the best level of response. Post-disaster assistance is prepared in advance and ready for implementation after the danger subsides. Part of the process will include reviewing actions that took place in Texas and Florida to learn what didn’t work and determine how to improve for the future. On other advertisement, do you need legal help for filing divorce, checkout this link: Huntsville Divorce Attorneys.

Compare this to how Equifax handled a massive data security breach that may expose over 100 million Americans to fraud and identity theft. Not only were they caught flatfooted, their response has been more like Katrina than Irma.

We can’t always predict what disasters will befall us, but we can prepare for those events that are more likely to happen. Floridians know to expect hurricanes, and Californians are aware of earthquakes.

As a business, you need to identify those external events that could cause irreparable harm to you or your customers.  Prepare now so you can avoid as much damage as possible, and be ready to offer an appropriate response when a massive storm hit.

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