Just a Moment for Marketing: Whom Do You Believe?

Linda says: Your customers do not believe you!

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Top of Mind Thursday July 6, 2017: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident

Top of Mind Thursday

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed….”

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Tuesday was the 241st anniversary of the adoption of the American Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress.

Much has changed in the years since this document was adopted–including the shape and size of this country, its place in the world, the countries of origin of its citizens, the elimination of slavery, and the establishment of voting rights for all citizens –regardless of the color of their skin or their gender.

But through thick and thin, conflict and peace, Civil War and civil rights, what’s critical is how much has stayed the same. In a time of deep polarization and divisiveness, it’s important that we take time to absorb the words of our founders and to apply them in our daily lives.

Read the full text of the US Declaration of Independence. 

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Top of Mind Thursday June 29, 2017: iPhone, Therefore I Am

Top of Mind Thursday

It was ten years ago today that Apple released a product that would change the lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

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The first iPhone began shipping in the US on June 29 2007. It combined the music features of an iPod and outstanding mobile phone functionality with breakthrough Internet capabilities–all in one sleek, slim, sexy device.

No one had seen a device like this before. No one knew how successful this would be. Some of the features were buggy, and some functionality was missing (the original iPhone only worked on AT&T’s network). And it carried a hefty price tag.

But Apple cofounder Steve Jobs was so confident in this product that he told his team the world would never be the same: people would talk about before the iPhone and after it. And he was right. Apple sold its billionth iPhone last summer, and continues to build on its success with new models.

The iPhone destroyed our illusions of what mobile technology was and how it could be used. It enabled everything from ride sharing apps like Uber and Lyft to augmented reality games like Pokemon Go.

The funny thing is that the one thing it doesn’t do outstandingly well is make phone calls. But no one cares.

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Benchmarking: The Key Survey That Goes Beyond What Customers Think of You and Your Company

Jen Berkley Jackson
The Insight Advantage

Jen Berkley Jackson is the owner of The Insight Advantage, a full-service research firm that helps organizations use customer insight to grow profits and market share. She works with companies to determine research strategy and then to implement a variety of customer feedback tools, including phone and online surveys, focus groups, market research, and one-on-one interviews. Jennifer has experience managing research projects in a multitude of industries including high tech software and hardware, consulting services, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, utilities, and more. She also teaches The Power of Market Research at UCSC Extension Silicon Valley.

In this podcast, Jen talks about why companies should consider adding benchmarking, or best practices, surveys to their strategic marketing program. She discusses how benchmark surveys can help establish brand thought leadership, and discusses the three most important things organizations should consider to get the most mileage out of a benchmarking survey.

ListenListen to this podcast.

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