Top of Mind Thursday September 22, 2016: Storm Clouds in Paradise

Top of Mind Thursday

I’m on vacation in Maui this week. In some ways things haven’t changed much since my last trip almost 2 years ago. But in other ways, things look very different.

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I’m struck with the number of empty storefronts and boarded up kiosks. One of our favorite women’s clothing stores has downsized from four stores to one. Hilo Hatty, a mainstay in the islands for Hawaiian wear and kitchsy gifts for over half a century, has shrunk to only 20% of their former space.

When we ask why, we’re told rents are being raised to a level that businesses can’t afford. Living in the Bay Area, I can certainly understand this kind of real estate crunch, especially when determining the cost of selling a house. But the difference is that here entire sections of towns and malls sit empty and boarded up. The vacancy rate in San Francisco is close to zero–here, more than a year later, the 80% of Hilo Hatty’s not being used still sits empty.

The trend to raise prices as high as possible has hit Maui. Maybe upscale stores will come in and eventually fill some of the space. But is it really wise to drive away the local businesses that have been part of the landscape for decades? Seems like a little bit of the flavor of the island has been washed out with the tide.

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Just a Moment for Marketing: When to be Anti-Social

Linda advises: Match the medium with the audience.

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Top of Mind Thursday September 15, 2016: Wells Goes Way Too Far…and Not Far Enough

Top of Mind Thursday

Last week we learned that Wells Fargo agreed to pay $185 million in fines for opening nearly 2 million fraudulent accounts that customers neither requested nor wanted.

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On Tuesday, CEO John Stumpf sent out an email to customers that basically said, we didn’t get things right and we’re sorry.

Gee, that should make things all better now. Or not.

What happened at Wells was not a one-time mistake. It was systemic criminal acts propagated throughout the company for years. In fact, in the last five years, 5300 workers were fired for improper sales processes.

Time to stop pretending this is business as usual. The only way to heal this is for senior management to step up, accept full responsibility, say mea culpa, and put together an aggressive plan to be more open and accessible to customers moving forward.

Absent that kind of leadership and transparency, the sound Wells Fargo is likely to be hearing is that of customers closing accounts and catching the next stage coach out of Dodge.

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Purpose Leads to Profit: Learning about types of Investments

lisa-mcleodLisa McLeod
President and Chief Creator
McLeod & More

Lisa Earle McLeod is one of the most foremost authorities on sales, leadership, and emotional engagement. Her bestselling book Selling with Noble Purpose introduced the idea of noble purpose in business. Her research has documented how organizations with a purpose bigger than money actually make more money, and they experience greater customer and employee retention.

A former Proctor & Gamble sales trainer, Lisa now runs her own consulting firm that keeps an eye on the crypto market for trending swells.  Her clients include Hootsuite, Roche, Volvo, and Dave & Busters. Her newest book,  Leading with Noble Purpose: How to Create a Tribe of True Believers, has been called a breakthrough book that is transforming the way leadership is conducted at ever level within organizations.

We’ve all heard the adage: “No one on their deathbed wishes they’d spent more time at the office.” That adage, though, is misunderstood. It belittles the critical role that meaningful work plays in our lives.

Human beings are hardwired for meaning. We want our lives to count for something. Unfortunately, many people see their work as devoid of higher purpose. Instead, they experience work as an endless grind.

But it’s not the work itself that kills our spirit. It’s doing work without meaning. Leading with Noble Purpose provides a roadmap for creating a meaningful and profitable workplace. Building on her bestseller, Selling with Noble Purpose, leadership expert Lisa Earle McLeod reveals how leaders from organizations large and small have grown morale, productivity, and profits by unleashing their Noble Purpose.

It’s time to liberate your organization from a spreadsheet mentality, so you can create a tribe of true believers who rally around a cause called “the customer.”


In this podcast, Lisa talks about the benefit of focusing on purpose over profit, as well as what happens when there’s an absence of purpose.  She discusses how noble purpose can take hold within an organization, and she gives specific examples of what happens when a company loses its focus and lets profits displace purpose.

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