Top of Mind Thursday July 21, 2016: Lessons from a Hack Attack

Top of Mind Thursday

Last weekend, Wikileaks released emails from the Democratic National Committee that revealed staffers had tried to subvert the efforts of candidate Bernie Sanders.

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The result was the resignation of DNC chairwoman Deborah Wasserman Schultz, an apology to Sanders, and accusations of the Russians meddling in US electoral politics.

It’s highly unlikely that any of the actions alluded to in the emails actually swayed the results of the primaries. Still, this was an embarrassing episode for the Democratic party on the eve of a historic nomination–the first time a major American political party has nominated a woman for the top office in the land.

Unfortunately, in all the media hype some of the key lessons may be lost on the public: 

  • If you can’t say something nice in email, don’t say it. Email is forever.
  • Presume what you say will be made public and used against you in the court of public opinion. The truth will out, sooner or later.
  • There is no such thing as hack-proof systems. Given the right tools and motivation, any of our confidential communications might be made public at any time.

What kind of  damaging communications may be floating around your internal systems? How can you ensure a hack attack won’t damage your brand and reputation?

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Just a Moment for Marketing: Drought Tolerance

Linda advises: Peel away the artificial layers to reveal what’s underneath.

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Top of Mind Thursday July 21, 2016: Faster than the Speed of Sound

Top of Mind Thursday

Melania Trump had barely finished her presentation to the Republican National Convention on Tuesday evening when the Web was abuzz discussing how whole sections of the presentation were identical to one by Michelle Obama in a similar venue 8 years ago.

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What I find most amazing about this whole episode, is that in today’s fast-moving, digital, connected, research-anything-in-seconds world, this kind of mistake is allowed to happen.

We know that when public figures misconstrue their employment history, military service, or educational background, the truth finds it way out. We’ve seen the power of videos to show us within seconds what really happened at a terrorist attack, natural disaster, or police shooting. Teachers have been relying on online tools to check the originality of students’ compositions for years.

What happened here? A low-level staffer put this together without being aware of the consequences. The question is why no one else double-checked what was being said in such a high visibility venue *before* Mrs. Trump took the stage.

What simple errors are happening in your organization because no one took the time to double-check your messages before they were made public?

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Why Without Vision and Leadership, Brands Suffer

sunny-bonnellSunny Bonnell

Sunny Bonnell has the ability to see a brand come alive from the very beginning. A prominent bluegrass player by the time she was eleven, Sunny was a street musician and theatre actor before co-founding Motto in her early twenties. She attended the prestigious Savannah College of Art & Design, where she pursued an MFA and earned four art scholarships, all while leading Motto to award-winning recognition.

In this podcast, Sunny talks about the leader’s role in building a brand, why articulating meaning is so important, and how brand and culture are truly symbiotic. She talks about why what looks like branding issues is often masking much deeper culture and leadership problems that must be solved first.

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