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Podcast: Linda Popky appears as a guest expert on Technically Speaking to outline your steps to launching and promoting your book! - Listen
Podcast: Linda Popky and Dan Weedin (Shrimp Tank Podcast) talk with Brett Clark from BC Fitness about the importance of staying active and doing resistance training to slow down muscle loss as we age. - Listen
SAC® Press Release: "Companies Eye Innovation and Disruption in Volatile Economy" – Read Release.
Video: Just a Moment for Marketing: One-minute marketing tip videos. – View over 100 videos.
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Top of Mind Thursday June 9, 2016: When the Music Stopped
Sometimes the force of music is so powerful, we think it will last forever.
But Sunday, the music stopped for a special one-of-a-kind, larger-than-life figure–master piano teacher Thomas LaRatta.
For more than six decades, Tom LaRatta taught piano to hundreds and hundreds of students, both through the College of Notre Dame and privately. In some cases, he gave lessons to two and three generations of the same family. Many of these students have gone on to become outstanding professional musicians; others play strictly for their own enjoyment.
Regardless of their proficiency level, Mr L’s students could expect not just an insightful lesson in musical interpretation, but a short discussion on politics and current events, a check-in on the job, kids, and family, and an ongoing supply of humor and musical puns. And he kept up a full schedule of lessons and performance classes until a bad fall sidetracked him just 2 weeks before his death.
The loss for those whose lives he touched is profound. In his absence, we will work hard to make sure Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata doesn’t sound pathetic,to play the notes that Chopin actually wrote (“I like what he wrote better than what you played!”), and to ensure that renditions of Debussy’s piano masterpiece don’t Clear the Room.
Rest in Peace, Mr. L.
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Are You Sabotaging Your Marketing Efforts? Read my new article on the 5 signs of sabotage you’ll want to avoid at all costs.
Check out the new video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
Limited time to devote to marketing? Check out our weekly Just a Moment for Marketing videos. They only take a minute.
Let us help your business rise to the top.
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Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged LaRatta, Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, piano, piano teacher, Tom LaRatta, Top of Mind Thursday
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Just a Moment for Marketing: Get in a Mobile State of Mind
Linda advises: Put yourself in your customers’ shoes.
Posted in Best Practices, Consulting, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Success
Tagged Bay Area, coaching, consulting, customer retention, customers, Leverage2Market, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing advice, marketing consultant, marketing tips, mentoring, million dollar consultant, San Francisco, speaker, strategy
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Top of Mind Thursday June 2, 2016: No Scapegoats Here
Last Friday, my dog ran out in the yard in a frenzy–some animal was capturing his attention on the other side of our fence.
Lo and behold, I looked out to find not one, not two, but probably close to 300 goats, behind a temporary fence, happily munching away on the grass that had grown on the levy in front of my house.
In California, we have a dilemma. Those rains we needed desperately this past winter helped our drought, but they also caused unusually high growth in ground cover and grasses. This, in turn, greatly increases fire danger during our long, hot summer.
The solution? Renting a herd of goats, who happily munch away at the overgrowth in an environmentally sound way, without requiring expensive and noisy landscaping crews. The goats are quiet, extremely efficient, and fun to watch, too. I’ve never seen as many people (or dogs) stop on the walking trail as I did the two days the goat feasted in our neighborhood.
What out-of-the-box solutions are you considering for tough problems that are eating up your organization?
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Are You Sabotaging Your Marketing Efforts? Read my new article on the 5 signs of sabotage you’ll want to avoid at all costs.
Check out the new video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
Limited time to devote to marketing? Check out our weekly Just a Moment for Marketing videos. They only take a minute.
Let us help your business rise to the top.
(650) 281-4854
Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged goats, Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, Top of Mind Thursday
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Make It Remarkable: Building a Strong Online Personal Brand
Chris Dessi
Silverback Social
Chris Dessi is an award-winning digital thinker, author, television & radio commentator, public speaker and educator, and the CEO and Founder of the Silverback Social digital marketing agency. He is a personal branding contributor to Inc.com and Success Magazine, as well as the producer of the Westchester Digital Summit, named by Forbes in 2015 one of the “Conferences That Will Keep You Ahead Of Marketing Trends This Year.” He has written three books. The latest, a leading personal branding book is Remarkable You: Build a Personal Brand and Take Charge of Your Career. He’s also the author of Just Like You: 24 Interviews of Ordinary People Who’ve Achieved Extraordinary Success and Your World is Exploding: How Social Media is Changing Everything – and How You Need to Change with It.
In this podcast, Chris discusses the importance of personal branding, as well as building a powerful digital identity. He introduces us to a set of easy-to-use tools to create compelling online content, and talks about leadership lessons he’s learned since launching his company in 2012.
Listen to this podcast.
Posted in Marketing Thought Leadership Podcast, Podcasts
Tagged Chris Dessi, Forbes, Just Like You, Linda Popky, marketing thought leadership, marketing trends, personal brand, Remarkable You, Silverback Social, social media, Westchester Digital Summit
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