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No Guilt, No Fear, No Peer: Secrets of the Million Dollar Maverick
Alan Weiss
Summit Consulting
Alan Weiss, the Million Dollar Consultant, is one of those rare people who can say he is a consultant, speaker, and author and mean it. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients such as Merck, Hewlett-Packard, GE, Mercedes-Benz, State Street Corporation, Times Mirror Group, The Federal Reserve, The New York Times Corporation, Toyota, and over 500 other leading organizations. The author of 63 books, Alan has served on the boards of directors of the Trinity Repertory Company, a Tony-Award-winning New England regional theater, Festival Ballet, and chaired the Newport International Film Festival. He has built and fostered a unique community of top consultants worldwide.
In this podcast, Alan talks about his new book Million Dollar Maverick, which helps entrepreneurs and consultants understand how to forge their own path to think differently, act decisively, and succeed quickly. He discusses why low self-esteem and not trusting your own judgment are critical issues, the difference between problem solving and innovation, the danger of false humility, and how being a maverick helps you stand out above the noise.
Listen to this podcast.
Posted in Marketing Thought Leadership Podcast, Podcasts
Tagged Alan Weiss, consulting, Linda Popky, marketing thought leadership, maverick, million dollar consultant, Million Dollar Maverick, no peer philosophy, self-esteem, Summit Consulting
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Just a Moment for Marketing: Be Prepared
Linda recommends: Be prepared for things we know may happen.
Posted in Best Practices, Consulting, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Success
Tagged Bay Area, coaching, consulting, customer retention, customers, Leverage2Market, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing advice, marketing consultant, marketing tips, mentoring, million dollar consultant, San Francisco, speaker, strategy
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Top of Mind Thursday May 12, 2016: Steph Happens
Last night, the Golden State Warriors beat the Portland Trailblazers to advance to the next round of the NBA playoffs.
The game was close – as were several in this series. It could have easily gone either way.
The difference was point guard Steph Curry, who on Weds received his second consecutive league MVP award – the first player to win the award unanimously in the history of the NBA.
Curry was coming off a knee injury that had him benched for two weeks. He hadn’t even played a real basketball game during that time. Yet in these first two games back he scored a combined 69 points – without which the Warriors would have lost both games.
No one expected him to do so well off the bench – not his teammates, his coach, and probably not even Curry himself. But that’s what outstanding team members do. They rise to the occasion and do what’s needed.
Have you identified the MVPs on your team? Are you giving them the support they need to go beyond what’s expected? And are you ready to believe that, even when things look gloomy, victory can happen?
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Are You Sabotaging Your Marketing Efforts? Read my new article on the 5 signs of sabotage you’ll want to avoid at all costs.
Check out the new video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
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Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, Top of Mind Thursday
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Perks Don’t Help: How to Handle the 2/3 of American Employees Who are Not Engaged at Work
Ruth Ross
R Squared Resources
Ruth Ross is a respected thought leader who writes and speaks on achieving high engagement and the need to cure the disengagement affliction that is spreading uncontrollably in today’s global workforce. Ruth spent thirty years as a senior human resources leader at top companies, including as an Executive Vice President of HR at a major financial institution. She left to start a company focused on this critical business imperative. She is the author of Coming Alive: The Journey to Reengage Your Life and Career.
In this podcast, Ruth talks about why employee engagement is such a critical issue for American business, and why programs and perks don’t solve the problem. She discusses how to identify “fence sitter” employees before their disengagement becomes chronic, and the key actions organizations can take to build an engaged and productive workforce.
Listen to this podcast.
Posted in Marketing Thought Leadership Podcast, Podcasts
Tagged Coming Alive, disengaged employees, employee engagement, fence sitters, Linda Popky, marketing thought leadership, R Squared Resources, Ruth Ross
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