Top of Mind Thursday December 17, 2015: The Power of the Force

Top of Mind Thursday

Unless you’ve spent the last 6 months holed up on the planet Tatooine, you probably know that the latest installment in the Star Wars franchise premieres this week.

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Starting at midnight tonight, The Force Awakens will be hitting theatres with a power that may be unprecedented.

But the marketing force has been in motion for a long time. From a huge selection of themed merchandise to product tie-ins from everything from cars to sandwiches to appliances, the force has been hitting us for months and will likely continue to do so.

Advance sales for the movie are expected to shatter records, with some people buying tickets to see the film multiple times–before they even know how good it is or if they’ll really like it.

The force at work here has nothing to do with Jedi knights. It’s about branding. When you have a brand as powerful as Star Wars that engenders fierce loyalty from fans that lasts for decades, you can create this kind of all-encompassing fervor.

What are you doing to build this kind of loyalty? Is the force strong with your customers?

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Just a Moment for Marketing: Moving the Mayo

Linda recommends: Make sure to give your customers a roadmap of what you are changing and how to get to what they need.

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Top of Mind Thursday December 10, 2015: Life Saving Customer Service

Top of Mind Thursday

Thirty minutes into my cross-country flight yesterday, there was a PA announcement looking for a medical provider onboard.

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It turned out a woman in the row in front of me was having some kind of medical issue. Someone came forward and worked with her, it was determined her condition was stable, and the flight continued.

That’s what was required. What happened next was what made the difference.

The lead flight attendant made this woman her personal concern. She stopped by to check on her every 15-20 minutes. She connected her to an oxygen canister because she thought it would make the passenger feel better. She brought her something to eat and drink. And she stopped by to just give a helpful smile, a pat on the shoulder, and warm encouragement–keeping the unwell passenger calm and comfortable.

There’s no question in my mind that this flight attendant’s actions made the difference between a normal flight and diverting the plane for an emergency landing, which would have been necessary had the passenger remained distraught or agitated.

How well do your employees handle these type of unexpected situations? Can you count on them to effectively smooth out any unforeseen turbulence in their work environment?

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Marketing Above the NoiseCheck out the new video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.

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Disrupt or Die: How Personal Disruption Creates Ongoing Success

whitney-johnsonWhitney Johnson

Whitney Johnson was recognized as one of the world’s leading management thinkers in 2015, and is best known for her work on driving corporate innovation through personal disruption. She is a former award-winning Wall Street equity analyst and the co-founder of a boutique investment firm with Clayton Christensen. Johnson is the author of the critically acclaimed Disrupt Yourself: Putting the Power of Disruptive Innovation to Work, released in 2015.

In this podcast, Whitney talks about why disruptive behavior is more likely to lead to greater success and increased revenue. She discusses the seven variables that can speed progress along the S-curve, and why taking market risk is actually much safer than taking competitive risk.

ListenListen to this podcast.

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