What’s New
Podcast: Linda Popky appears as a guest expert on Technically Speaking to outline your steps to launching and promoting your book! - Listen
Podcast: Linda Popky and Dan Weedin (Shrimp Tank Podcast) talk with Brett Clark from BC Fitness about the importance of staying active and doing resistance training to slow down muscle loss as we age. - Listen
SAC® Press Release: "Companies Eye Innovation and Disruption in Volatile Economy" – Read Release.
Video: Just a Moment for Marketing: One-minute marketing tip videos. – View over 100 videos.
eBOOK: Top of Mind: 101 Insights to Transform Your Business
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Cracking the Digital Mystique
Sarah Granger
CEO, Leading in Digital
Sarah Granger is an award-winning digital media innovator and the best-selling author of The Digital Mystique: How the Culture of Connectivity Can Empower Your Life—Online and Off. With more than 25 years experience building technology and media ventures, she advises and trains global leaders on digital strategy. Her articles have been published widely, including in Forbes, Boing Boing, the Huffington Post, Harvard Business Review, and the San Francisco Chronicle at sfgate.com
In this podcast, Sarah talks about the need to build out a digital identity and why authenticity is a key component of successful digital thought leadership. She discusses how an outdated broadcast mentality and a focus on quantifiable data vs. qualitative metrics can derail a digital media strategy.
Listen to this podcast.
Posted in Marketing Thought Leadership Podcast, Podcasts
Tagged authenticity, digital mystique, digital thought leadership, Linda Popky, marketing thought leadership, Sarah Granger
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Just a Moment for Marketing: Bringing Bad News
Linda advises: Be calm, be factual, and propose a next step.
Posted in Best Practices, Consulting, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Success
Tagged bad news, Bay Area, coaching, consulting, customer retention, customers, Leverage2Market, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing advice, marketing consultant, marketing tips, mentoring, million dollar consultant, San Francisco, speaker, strategy
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Top of Mind Thursday October 22, 2015: Back to the Future Again
Yesterday was “Back to the Future Day,” the actual day Marty McFly and Doc travel forward to in the 1985 film Back to the Future.
The 2015 envisioned included flying cars, hoverboards, and garbage-driven fusion reactor-powered cars–things we don’t have yet have and aren’t likely to have in the near future.
What it did not include were smart phones, FitBits, GPS-enabled apps like Uber, or even the Internet in any shape or form. In fact, in the film, fax machines were still an integral part of the landscape.
Will we have flying cars by 2045? Who knows. But I’m willing to predict we’ll have something new and exciting, some new technology that will shatter expectations and change our lives drastically. And Millenials will probably be struggling to figure out how to work with the new generation of XYZ/ABCers that just doesn’t seem to understand the way the world is used to working.
We can’t accurately predict the future in detail. But the more things change, the more they stay the same in many regards.
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My new book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters, is now available.
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(650) 281-4854
Posted in Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged Back to the Future, Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, Top of Mind Thursday
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Just a Moment for Marketing: Brand Activism
Linda observes: Brands now take actions that resonate with their audiences.
Posted in Best Practices, Consulting, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Success
Tagged Bay Area, brand activism, brands, coaching, consulting, customer retention, customers, Leverage2Market, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing advice, marketing consultant, marketing tips, mentoring, million dollar consultant, San Francisco, speaker, strategy
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