Top of Mind Thursday – October 27, 2022: The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same

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Four years ago today, the country was shocked by the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, when eleven people were killed in the worst antisemitic attack on US soil.

Since then, attacks against synagogues and community centers reached an all-time high, rising 60% from 2020 to 2021 alone. Antisemitic incidents in general rose 34% year over year.

This week, a number of businesses pushed back against Kanye West’s recent anti-semitic rantings and ravings. The list includes Gap, Foot Locker, JP Morgan Chase, Instagram, Twitter, Peloton, TJ Maxx, and Adidas.

While these organizations are to be commended for not ignoring this dangerous behavior, no one should be fooled into thinking this solves the problem. “Cancelling” one bad actor doesn’t make the problem go away.

Two weeks ago, former president Donald Trump posted a diatribe that warned American Jews to get their act together “before it’s too late.” Given that remarks from Trump caused more than 2000 people to storm the US Capitol on January 6th, what could this type of veiled threat unleash?

In August, a school district in Texas removed the Diary of Anne Frank from its curriculum because they found the content disturbing. Huh? What happened during the Holocaust should disturb us, as should the Tree of Life shooting, Kanye’s behavior, and all the rest.

The fact that this is still happening in America in 2022 is what’s most disturbing. To quote Joseph Heller, “Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”

Some things never change.

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Top of Mind Thursday – October 20, 2022: That Didn’t Last Long

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Today, Liz Truss, Prime Minister of the UK, resigned after only 6 weeks on the job.

Those of us in the US are used to having to wait anywhere from two to six years to remove politicians from office–depending on whether they are representatives, presidents, or senators. But in the UK and other parliamentary democracies, a change in power can happen very quickly.

Truss was likely the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just two days after her initial meeting with Queen Elizabeth, the Queen died–throwing England, the Commonwealth, and much of the world into a state of mourning. Then Truss promoted extremist policies that were not well-received by the financial markets or her constituents.  Aides and appointees began to quit and the whole thing unraveled rapidly.

It will be interesting to watch what happens next. Will someone new be brought in to sort out this mess–or will former PM Boris Johnson come back for another round? And how much long-term damage has this episode caused to the country?

As tough as this situation is, it’s refreshing to see a bad decision acknowledged and dealt with quickly. How many times do we know in our gut something’s not right, but we continue down the same path for quite awhile longer–either because we want to confirm our suspicions, or because we’ve already made an investment we don’t want to write off?

Sometimes, it’s better to say so long quickly and move on.

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Top of Mind Thursday – October 13, 2022: Reinvention

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This week, we held the 19th Annual Meeting for the Society for the Advancement of Consulting.

Our annual theme has been Reinvent for Success which, given what’s going on in the world right now, has been quite apropos. Entire global alliances are being revisited in response to the Russian threat in Ukraine, fuel and food prices are rising, natural disasters are accelerating the movement to fight climate change, and the threat of recession lurks.

Our speakers spoke about disruption, global trends, managing across cultures, supply chain issues, and handling intergenerational workplace issues. We had sessions about using podcasting as a strategic tool, increasing the size of your mailing list, closing sales in today’s world, and more.

This was the third year we held this event virtually, since we knew it was unlikely we could get a critical mass of speakers and attendees to New York for an in-person event. By now, we have much of the process down and things ran fairly smoothly. That means it’s time to change things up for next year. The world is changing and we need to change, disrupt, and reinvent to keep pace.

What are you doing to reinvent yourself and your organization for what’s coming? The choice is not about whether or not to change. It’s about whether you consciously take control of the situation or let someone else reinvent your world instead.

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Top of Mind Thursday – October 6, 2022: An Amazingly Large Gamble

Leverage2Market LogoAs we approach the November elections, in California we’re being bombarded with ads for competing propositions to expand online gambling.

Currently, casinos in California are owned and run by Indian tribes, but now there are two competing propositions on the ballot to expand sports betting online. One proposition is sponsored by one set of tribes, the second by others. One is underwritten by online betting companies, like FanDuel, and it promises to allocate money for the homeless. The other says that’s garbage: 95% of the money raised will go to out of state corporations with only pennies for homeless funding.

Over $350 million has been raised on this issue and it seems like every penny of this is being put into advertising for or against one of those propositions. The ads follow one after the other: Prop 26 Pro/Prop 26 against; Prop 27 Pro/Prop 27 against.

Here’s the problem. There gets to be a point where throwing more money at an issue doesn’t do anything to help the cause–and it probably even hurts, since it turns people off. I keep wondering what that $350 million could have bought–instead of advertising.

The backers of these propositions may very well come out on the losing side of the bet. It’s an awfully large gamble to take. Maybe they should have bought lottery tickets instead. Might have been a safer bet.

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