Top of Mind Thursday – September 29, 2022: The Storm of the Century . . . again!

This week, Florida was pummeled by a massive hurricane. Leverage2Market Logo

Millions of people were left without power. The damage along the Gulf Coast is too extreme to even be characterized this soon. In some areas, whole towns are left stranded, because bridges and causeways are damaged or washed out. In Fort Myers, entire neighborhoods have been flattened.

This is being called the storm of the century — a once-in-a-hundred-years event.

Except it’s not. Over the last few years, we’ve seen hurricanes, typhoons, and tornadoes that are stronger and more dangerous than ever before. Not only that, but they are coming more frequently and hitting places (like Atlantic Canada) that have not been subjected to these types of weather events.

The weather is changing — there’s no doubt about that. The question is what do we do about it?

Climate change has been a hot topic for a number of years. While there are global efforts under way to try and mitigate the long-term effects on our planet, these won’t make a difference to those impacted by last week’s storm — or this week’s, or next week’s.

In reality, preparing for weather-related catastrophes is a local endeavor. Locations that are prone to hurricane damage need to take steps to prepare now for potential killer storms in the future. Coastal areas that are likely to flood need to build levees and prevent additional development (and rebuilding). Forests need to be trimmed in high fire zones. Electrical lines need to be buried underground where high winds could spark fires from downed transformers.

None of these efforts happen overnight. But if they’re not started now, they won’t be ready when the next event strikes — and the storm of the century morphs into the disaster of the year.

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Top of Mind Thursday – September 22, 2022: Falling Into Place

Fall in the Northern Hemisphere officially starts this evening. Leverage2Market Logo

If you’ve been to Starbucks or Costco in the last month, you’d have thought the season started a month ago. Not only do we have pumpkin lattes, but Halloween costumers and Xmas decorations abound as well. Trader Joes even has a pumpkin spice flavored non-dairy oat milk (!) on sale.

This year, Fall seems more relevant than ever. Kids are back in school (as opposed to online). Conferences and events are back in person, and the COVID pandemic has been declared officially over, according to President Biden.

All of that is good news (unless, of course, you are one of the people who manages to catch COVID now despite the fact it’s no longer considered to be a pandemic risk!).

But should we be content to let things fall back into place? How much effort should be put into trying to get back to some semblance of “normal”?

What if we look to create a better way of doing things instead? What if we consider not reimplementing some of the old ways of working and use our experience to devise more effective, more relevant habits and practices? What if we put extra focus on providing value to our customers and treating employees and suppliers with respect?

Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish New Year, starts on Sunday evening. You don’t have to be Jewish to consider changing up a little bit of something here and there to help make the world a little better. Now’s a great time to help good things fall into place for all of us.

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Top of Mind Thursday – September 15, 2022: A Change in Momentum

A funny thing happened on the way to Russia’s conquest of Ukraine: Things didn’t go at all as planned. Leverage2Market Logo

Vladimir Putin didn’t expect Ukraine to give much pushback to his bloody, unprovoked invasion. When the Ukrainians dug in and began to fight back, it was apparent they could hold significant territory and this would not be a quick incursion.

But then, the Russians dug in and attacked power plants, schools, farmland, and innocent civilians. They captured territory in various parts of the country, and seemed to be on their way to becoming entrenched.

However, the tide has turned over the last few weeks. The Ukrainian forces, bolstered by weapons, ammunition, and guidance from the US and other NATO countries, have pushed back and recaptured territory. This week, President Zelenskyy said his forces have taken back over 6000 square kilometers previously held in the Northeastern part of the country. Initiatives are underway in other areas as well, including the Donbas.

How can a small country like Ukraine take on and humiliate a much larger, global power like Russia?

Yes, it helps to have friends in the right places to back you up. But it’s also important to remember that the motivation for both sides in different. For Ukrainians, it’s about losing their independence, their country, their way of life. Many of the Russian soldiers were conscripted or sold a bill of goods about the invasion which they’re not learning wasn’t accurate. Their homes aren’t at risk. Their way of life is out of their control.

Never underestimate the power of the underdog to fight for what they can’t afford to lose.

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Top of Mind Thursday – September 8, 2022: A Majestic Loss

This morning, Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest serving monarch, passed away at age 96. Leverage2Market Logo

This was not a surprise–the Queen had not been well the last year. Over the last few months, she had missed several important state occasions for the first time in her 70-year reign.

The succession was immediate: Her eldest son Charles automatically became King Charles III upon the Queen’s death. But it’s not at all clear that Charles will be able to maintain anywhere near the influence of his mother.

The world has changed dramatically over the more than 2/3 of a century of Elizabeth’s reign. What was once called the British Empire has shrunk to a fraction of the size and power it wielded in 1952. The Royal Family had its share of scandals and tragedy during that time–from the death of Princess Diana to the accusations of sexual misconduct of Prince Andrew.

Most amazingly, though, was how Elizabeth maintained her stature, dignity, and power in spite of the chaos and division swirling in the world around her. Other world leaders came and went–including 15 different UK prime ministers–but Elizabeth prevailed with honor and quiet elegance.

The monarchy may have outlived its usefulness. But for more than 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II provided a sense of balance and propriety in a messy, power hungry world.

RIP, Elizabeth

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