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Podcast: Linda Popky appears as a guest expert on Technically Speaking to outline your steps to launching and promoting your book! - Listen
Podcast: Linda Popky and Dan Weedin (Shrimp Tank Podcast) talk with Brett Clark from BC Fitness about the importance of staying active and doing resistance training to slow down muscle loss as we age. - Listen
SAC® Press Release: "Companies Eye Innovation and Disruption in Volatile Economy" – Read Release.
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Top of Mind Thursday April 30, 2020: Write Now
On a regular basis, I hear from professionals who tell me they want to create a piece of writing–everything from a blog post to a full book–but don’t have the time to do it.
A funny thing is happening during this COVID-19 crisis. People have a lot more time now that their in-person meetings are cancelled, and their commute is measured in inches instead of miles. Some are using this extra time to relax, catch up on tasks around the house, or re-connect with their families.
And quite a few people are also taking time to sit down and crank out that writing project they’ve been avoiding. Or they’re pulling out something they’ve written previously but never finished and polishing it up.
In spite of the WFH orders (or possibly because of them), there’s a hunger for good content. If you’re been thinking about writing a blog post, go do it. If you’ve wanted to put together a short e-Book, go do it. If you’ve been meaning to start a full book project, now’s the time to go do it. In fact, write 5 -10 blog posts or create 2 e-Books if you want, and keep them to post over the next few weeks or months.
How do you do this? Just sit down and do it. Use your computer, tablet, or phone, or that old-fashioned stuff called pen and paper. Set aside a few minutes each day and start writing, so that this becomes a habit.
Author Dorothy Parker said, “The hardest part of writing is applying the ass to the seat.” Now’s the time to take her advice. Write now.
Contact me to find out how you can get heard above the noise – even in a crisis situation.
Check out our marketing thought leadership podcasts and the video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
Let us help your business rise to the top.
(650) 281-4854
Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, Top of Mind Thursday, writing, writing a book, writing project
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Top of Mind Thursday April 23, 2020: Spring Cleaning
Maybe it’s the promise of warmer weather, flowers blooming, or longer days with more sunshine. For whatever reason, spring is the time of year when we traditionally do a thorough cleaning and decluttering.
This year, with so many people working from home, there’s a lot more cleaning going on. Drawers and closets are being organized, cabinets rearranged, garages decluttered. If nothing else, we are all likely be so much better organized as a result of this situation.
But how much effort are you putting into spring cleaning for your business? Many business activities have needed to be curtailed as a result of this pandemic; others have been reimagined. This is a great time to consciously dig into your marketing “closet” and throw out those programs and initiatives that no longer fit, or those that are old and worn and don’t represent you well.
Ask these questions:
- What have we been doing on an ongoing basis that no longer fits?
- What programs or initiatives need to be tailored to fit our organization as it exists today?
- What new initiatives will we need to add to make us look good when we step out again?
Use this time to rid yourself of excess baggage and make your business as attractive as possible to customers and prospects going forward.
Contact me to find out how you can get heard above the noise – even in a crisis situation.
Check out our marketing thought leadership podcasts and the video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
Let us help your business rise to the top.
(650) 281-4854
Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged decluttering, Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, spring, springtime, Top of Mind Thursday
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How Best to Lead Now? Experiment to Find Out.
Melanie Parish
The Experimental Leader
Melanie Parish is a public speaker, consultant, workshop leader, author, and Master Certified Coach. An expert in problem solving, constraints management, operations strategic hiring, and brand development, Melanie has consulted and coached organizations ranging from the Fortune 50 to IT startups. She is the author of the new book The Experimental Leader.
In this podcast, Melanie explains why now, more than ever, it’s important for leaders to move forward with data driven experimental leadership. She introduces the five questions that are key to codifying the work on an experimental leader, and tells us how to identify (and deal with) the seven types of toxic leaders.
Listen to this podcast.
Posted in Marketing Thought Leadership Podcast, News and Updates
Tagged experimental leader, leadership styles, Linda Popky, marketing thought leadership, master certified coach, Melanie Parish, toxic leaders
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Top of Mind Thursday April 16, 2020: Time for Plan B
As the COVID-19 lockdown continues, the big question is how soon we will be able to reopen the economy and return to some semblance of what we used to call normal.
The answer seems to differ depending on the locale and the severity of the outbreak in particular areas. But there’s a common thread through all these discussions: how do we open things up without causing more damage, and possibly unleashing a second round of infections?
It appears that we will not be able to go back to a totally open, unfettered existence until a vaccine is developed and widely available–which may take as much as a year or more. Until then, there may be no big sporting or entertainment events with live audiences. Restaurants may need to separate diners and have waiters wear masks. Shopping in malls or other stores may be severely restricted.
What do you do if you are one of the many organizations impacted by this? Well, you could sit and wait for things to return to normal–whatever and whenever that will be. Or, you could be creative and try to find new and innovative ways to offer value to customers.
This goes beyond the initial response to move everything to Zoom. Yesterday, a company that mainly supplies Christmas-related items to stores decided they could leverage their expertise to help get wholesale food items (no longer needed by restaurants) directly to consumers. They came to this conclusion by looking at their expertise–which was delivering large quantities of goods quickly and efficiently with well-established ecommerce capabilities.
It’s time to take a hard look at your core competencies. What is your real expertise? If the world does not miraculously recover in the next 30-60 days, how can you leverage and repurpose that expertise to offer a needed service–and keep your business alive?
It’s time to take a hard look at Plan B. And maybe even Plan C and D, too.
Contact me to find out how you can get heard above the noise – even in a crisis situation.
Check out our marketing thought leadership podcasts and the video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
Let us help your business rise to the top.
(650) 281-4854
Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged coronavirus, COVID-19, Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, Top of Mind Thursday
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