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Podcast: Linda Popky appears as a guest expert on Technically Speaking to outline your steps to launching and promoting your book! - Listen
Podcast: Linda Popky and Dan Weedin (Shrimp Tank Podcast) talk with Brett Clark from BC Fitness about the importance of staying active and doing resistance training to slow down muscle loss as we age. - Listen
SAC® Press Release: "Companies Eye Innovation and Disruption in Volatile Economy" – Read Release.
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Top of Mind Thursday January 3, 2018: Letting Go
We’ve all seen it happen: People stake out a strong position and get so tied up in what they’ve publicly said that they can’t consider better alternatives.
It’s human nature. We do this in our personal lives and in professional settings as well. When we dig in our heels and refuse to change, very often the people who are most impacted have nothing to do with the original issue.
We’re doing this on a national scale with the partial shutdown of the US government, now in its second week.
Both sides have entrenched positions. No one wants to be the first to blink. Meanwhile nearly 800,000 federal workers are impacted. Many have been furloughed; others (such as law enforcement, air traffic controllers, and the TSA) are working without pay. All of them have bills to pay and financial commitments they can’t meet without the paychecks they rightfully earned and expected to get.
Each side believes they are right, but the result is something that’s very wrong. Until both groups agree to let something go, this impasse will continue. Negotiators will tell you the best way to solve a stalemate is to find a way for each side to have some kind of win. I-win-you-lose may work in the short-term, but only builds ongoing resentment and the desire for retribution in the future.
How often do we have a “shutdown” of sorts in our business or personal lives? How can we work to create more win-win situations? Where should we be letting go for the better of all involved?
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Check out the new video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
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(650) 281-4854
Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged government shutdown, Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, shutdown, Top of Mind Thursday
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Top of Mind Thursday December 27, 2018: Don’t Look Back Now!
This is the time of year when we traditionally tend to stop and look back at what transpired over the last 12 months.
What did we do this past year? What worked well? What should we have done better?
This can be helpful if you’re looking for incremental change. But often, this kind of focus keeps us stuck in the same behavioral patterns we’ve been in previously. If you’d like to create dramatic differences in the future, looking backward can be quite limiting.
This year, let’s look forward instead. What big goals do we want to set for the year ahead? Where should we look to find grand new ideas for innovation? How should we channel our efforts to produce incredible positive change in our lives and our businesses? Where should we really stir things up?
As we enter 2019, I wish you a year full of health, happiness, prosperity, and peace… and the courage to light a flame under those potentially huge ideas that have until now been relegated to the back burner.
Contact me to find out how to get heard above the noise.
Limited time to devote to marketing? Check out our weekly Just a Moment for Marketing videos. They only take a minute.
Check out our marketing thought leadership podcasts.
Check out the new video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
Let us help your business rise to the top.
(650) 281-4854
Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, Top of Mind Thursday
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Top of Mind Thursday December 20, 2018: Sometimes You Just Need to Ask
I walked into my neighborhood supermarket last week to find the aisle of gluten-free products had disappeared.
Well, the physical aisle was still there, but the products weren’t. I asked an employee where they’d gone and he deferred to the manager, who told me we’ve “integrated them into the rest of the store.” What that means is that instead of having all of these in one place, the gluten-free pasta is now mixed with the regular pasta, the gluten-free crackers are now mixed in with the regular crackers, etc.
I’m sure someone at “headquarters” decided this would be a good idea. But here’s the problem. No one ever asked customers how they felt about this. Having a place where I know to go to look for a particular type of product made this really easy to go in and find what I need. Now I need to go up and down all the aisles and read every package in the cracker section to see which are gluten-free and which aren’t.
When I mentioned this to the manager, he said, “Gee, we never thought of that.” Of course not, because they made a decision without understanding customer behavior–without realizing this would make the shopping experience much more challenging. My first thought was not in what aisle are the cookies now. It was where else can I shop that makes this easier for me.
How do you find out what customers like and don’t like? It’s a really complicated process. Ready? Here goes: Just ask.
Contact me to find out how to get heard above the noise.
Limited time to devote to marketing? Check out our weekly Just a Moment for Marketing videos. They only take a minute.
Check out our marketing thought leadership podcasts.
Check out the new video trailer for my book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters.
Let us help your business rise to the top.
(650) 281-4854
Posted in News and Updates, Top of Mind Thursday Memo
Tagged gluten free, gluten free foods, Leverage2Market, Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing success, supermarket, Top of Mind Thursday
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Be Audacious: How Socially-Conscious Businesses Can Drive Change
Somya Munjal
Social Entrepreneur and Author
Somya Munjal is an Indian-American whose journey to social entrepreneurship began with her mother in India who, as a child, ended up living in extreme poverty during the partition. When Somya’s family migrated to the US, they were met with new experiences of racism and systemic economic challenges which fostered a burning desire to work for the economic empowerment of the disenfranchised and youth education. Today Somya leads several social enterprises, including CPA for the People, Youthful Savings, Audacious Endeavors, and the Youthful Savings Foundation. Somya is the author of Audacious Endeavors: 8 Steps to Social Consciousness that will Spark Your Inner Fire.
In this podcast, Somya discusses why she believes social conscious businesses are crucial in shifting the trajectory of the world and recommends how marketers can help. She tells us why she believes youth development is important for economic change, and introduces many of the tools for building socially conscious businesses that are detailed in her new book.
Listen to this podcast.
Posted in Marketing Thought Leadership Podcast, Podcasts
Tagged Audacious Endeavors, CPA for the People, entrepreneurs, Linda Popky, marketing thought leadership, social entrepreneurship, Somya Munjal, Youthful Savings, Youthful Savings Foundation
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