Marketing Leverage Times – Spring 2015
About Us • What We Do • How We Help • Marketing Resources • Testimonials
For Non-Profits • The Book
Welcome to the latest edition of the Marketing Leverage Times. Our goal is to provide you with provocative information and thought-provoking commentary on marketing and business issues. We hope you’ll enjoy this regular collection of tips, tidbits and tools and we welcome your input and feedback.
On Twitter @popky and @mktgabove • On LinkedIn • Leverage2Market on FaceBook • Linda on FaceBook
Marketing Leverage Blog • Marketing Thought Leadership Podcast • On YouTube • The Book
It’s Time to Be Heard
Marketing today is out of control. There are so many new techniques and tactics, so many ways to reach out and not just touch our audiences, but often to annoy them as well. So many things have changed over the last few years, but so many have not changed a bit.
How do you survive this brave new world?
How Do You Get Heard Above the Noise?
Having trouble being heard in a crowded marketplace? Wondering what successful organizations do to stand out above the noise?
Download exclusive bonus content.
Turn Noise into Music!
Take advantage of this special offer for subscribers of our newsletter: Buy either the hardcopy or eBook editions of Marketing Above the Noise between now and March 31st and get a free download of Linda’s CD Night Songs.
Simply buy the book online or at your favorite book store. Tweet “I bought the book-Now I’m getting heard above the noise” @mktgabove or email with the header: I’m getting heard above the noise. We’ll send you the code for the free download.
Dynamic Market Leverage Assessment Now Available
Take It Online Now!
Our new Dynamic Market Leverage Assessment is designed to assess how marketing organizations are performing on 8 key market leverage factors, and 5 momentum factors that can impact the success of strategic marketing initiatives. This information can help pinpoint the critical areas where an organization can focus to best leverage their strategic marketing resources as effectively as possible.
The assessment takes about 15 minutes to complete. You’ll receive an overview assessment and be eligible for a no obligation review of the results.
Top of Mind Thursday is a Hit!
“Quick, concise, and to the point.”
“Great insights.”
“I look forward to seeing this each week.”
These are typical of the comments we’re receiving about our new weekly communication, Top of Mind Thursday. Look for this each Thursday morning. If you’re not getting this, subscribe now. Or, tell us who else should be receiving this, too.
New Writing Services Available
Need help with that writing project? Linda Popky has written and edited commercially published books, as well as book proposals, white papers, news releases and other collateral pieces.
We can help you create a strong, impactful proposal, product effective marketing collateral, or develop and craft a full book proposal.
For more information, contact Linda.
Consider an Advisor
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a third party objective resource? How about a sounding board for reviewing plans, an idea source for planning implementation, a responsive expert for questions and advice, a support system for accountability, or just a devil’s advocate to review potential key decisions.
We offer three types of Advisory Services:
- Executive Advisor – for senior-level corporate executives
- Startup Advisor – for executives at start-up and emerging companies
- Consultant Advisor – for consultants and professional services firms
Contact us for more information.
Take Just a Moment for Marketing
…with our short video series, Just a Moment for Marketing
In less than 90 seconds, we’ll give you a useful marketing tip or insight. New videos will be posted regularly.
What Marketing Thought Leaders Are Saying
Check out the latest episodes in our podcast series, Marketing Thought Leadership.
- Robert Sher on helping midsized companies get mighty
- Tara Sophia Mohr on how women succeed by playing bigger
- Colleen Francis on how marketers can drive the sales boom
- Mike Gospe on the power of customer advisory boards
- Chuck Wall on how companies profit when the customer is king
Suggestions for speakers or topics? Let us know.
In the News
Linda’s presentations included Marketing for Consultants at Alan Weiss’s Million Dollar Consulting College® in Newport, RI and she presented From Proposal to Publisher: Lessons on the Book Publishing Process at the SAC Annual Meeting in New York in the fall.
She also presented the webinar How Women Can Be Heard Above the Noise in the Workplace for Watermark, and Overcoming the Fear of Business Success as part of the Break Through Fear and Self-Doubt Telesummit.
For the 6th consecutive year, Linda was asked to judge the New Mexico Press Women Annual Communication contest. She is also a judge for the Business Marketing Association’s B2 Awards for the second year.
In March, she presented to both faculty and students at the American Marketing Association’s International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans.
Upcoming Events
March 25
Presentation – NorCal BMA – “Being Heard: How B2B Marketers Can Get Above the Noise in the Marketplace” – Learn more and Register.- March 30
Mentoring Monday – Silicon Valley Business Journal, 8-11am PST – Villa Ragusa, Campbell, CA – Learn more. - April 6
Presentation – Executive Networking Group “ExeConnect”, Campbell, CA – 10am-12pm PST. - April 13
Live teleseminar by Lisa Platt of Business Networking Made Simple on “Networking Can Help You Get Heard Above the Noise,” 4pm PST. Contact Lisa to RSVP. - April 24
Live Interview – on “EGG Live!” (Executive Girlfriends’ Group) with host Chicke Fitzgerald – Audio will be available after show. - May 7
Presentation – First Thursdays Silicon Valley, “Being Heard: How Marketers Can Succeed in Today’s Noisy, Chaotic World,” Sunnyvale, CA – Learn more. - May 21
Marketing Presentation, Million Dollar Consulting College – Newport, RI - June 9
Presentation – Silicon Valley American Mktg Assn (SVAMA), 6pm PST. Learn more.
- June 18
Women in Consulting Speed Mentoring Meeting. Linda is one of the mentors. Learn more. - August 4
Webinar – Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
We are in the process of booking our Fall and Winter speaking schedule. If your business or association could use a dynamic, thought-provoking presentation or workshop on marketing or business strategy, please contact us at
Download our Speaker Sheet.
Remember: Our workshops and seminars are available to individuals and corporate groups. Contact us at for more information.
We Grow Through Referrals
Our goal is to offer the value we provide to as many people and organizations as we can. Our business is 100% referral-based, which means we rely on people like you to tell others about the types of results they can get from working with us.
If you know an organization that could benefit from more impactful marketing programs, processes, or people, please let us know.
Our List
You are receiving this newsletter because you have been identified as someone who may be interested in receiving communications related to marketing strategy from Linda Popky and/or Leverage2Market Associates. We do not ever sell, rent, lease, or otherwise distribute our mailing list. If you would like to be removed from this list, please unsubscribe here.
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to others you think may enjoy it. To be added to our subscription list, please subscribe here.
For more information on how to get more powerful performance from your marketing investment, contact us.
Linda Popky
Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
One of Silicon Valley’s Top Women of Influence
Member, Million Dollar Consulting® Hall of Fame, Certified Master Mentor
Author, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters
Phone: 650-281-4854
Fax: 650-453-3661