Are They Hurting Your Business?
It’s a funny thing about marketing – everyone seems to know how to do it. Trouble is not everyone can do it well. Sometimes what seems like it should be simple and straightforward may not be the best way to approach a marketing problem and grow your business. Watch this space as we expose top marketing myths and give you the ammunition you need to spot these and avoid them in your own situation.
Myth #1: A great product makes all the difference
Excerpt: We have to have a good product, preferably a great one. Why bother competing unless you build the best, most complete product you can? If we build in all the bells and whistles, features and functionality our customers need, won’t we be rewarded… Read More
Myth #2: If we build it, they will come
Excerpt: We’re building a terrific product chock full of technological innovations. It’s loaded with great features and functionality. Why isn’t the world beating a path to our door to buy it… Read More
Myth #3: We know what our customers need
Excerpt: With your existing expertise, you may already know quite a bit about what your customers need. Or at least what you think they need. But have you really taken the time to look at the situation from their perspective… Read More
Myth #4: Competitors hurt us, they don’t help us
Excerpt: It’s a funny thing about competitors. We may think we can’t live with them, but we really can’t live without them either… Read More
Myth #5: Good products sell themselves
Excerpt: We’ve taken the time to research our market, understand our customers’ needs and build a product that provides the benefits our customers want. Why would we need a full marketing campaign… Read More
Myth #6: It worked before. It’ll work again this time
Excerpt: We know our market – we’ve been here for years. We have a strategy that worked for us in the past. Why rock the boat now… Read More
Myth #7: Marketing is easier with a clean slate
Excerpt: It would be simple to market our new products if we didn’t have to worry about our existing customer base. What if they like our new offerings better? What will we do if they want all the features of our new offering added to what they currently have? Wouldn’t it be easier to start from scratch… Read More
Myth #8: The more features, the better
Excerpt: Don’t over-engineer your product for your target audience. When integrating technology into your product, remember: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should… Read More
Myth #9: Cut marketing in a recession to improve financials.
Excerpt: It may seem like marketing initiatives can be cut when business is soft, but in reality marketing is an investment in future sales and market share… Read More
NorCal SAC Teleconference
Hosted by John Weathington and Simma Lieberman
August 2, 2011