Mark your calendar for the first Northern California Business Marketing Association (BMA) Marketing Strategy Roundtable breakfast meeting on Tuesday, January 26th in Palo Alto.
I’m very pleased to be hosting this brand new series, modeled after BMA’s successful roundtables series on product marketing, branding and other marketing areas. We’ll be featuring dynamic speakers focused on marketing strategy topics of interest to Silicon Valley marketing professionals.
Brett Olszewski
January’s speaker will be Brett Olszewski, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of K/P Corporation. Brett will discuss how on-demand marketing technology offers marketers the ability to affordably do it all: making closed loop marketing programs that drive the customer conversation a more practical reality. He’ll provide examples of how marketing strategy, execution and measurement can be successfully applied in an on-demand environment.
In February, we’ll be hearing from Nilofer Merchant of Rubicon about The New How: Enabling the Front Lines of Change.
Roundtable meetings will be held at Scott’s Seafood Restaurant, 855 El Camino Real in Palo Alto, on the last Tuesday of the month from 8 to 9:30 am. Cost is only $15 for BMA members and $30 for nonmembers, which includes your breakfast.