Promoting Your Nonprofit: How Marketing Can Help You Success in Today’s Economy
It’s never simple to promote and grow a non-profit organization. Recruiting volunteers, fundraising, building awareness, and delivering programs to key constituents are just a few of the challenges non-profits face on a daily basis. Today’s tight economy makes things more complicated. With so many people facing financial crises, looking for jobs, and focused on their own personal issues, it’s that much harder for nonprofits to get the attention and dollars they need to be successful.
From Linda Popky: “10 Tips for Promoting Nonprofit Organizations”

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of these teleseminars
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From EDM (Effective Database Management):
- Associations Can Do things the Amazon Way
- Three Things Your Association Should Be Doing Online
- Using Technology to Cut Costs and Improve Customer Service
From High Context Consulting:
- Less is More on the Home Page (PDF)
- Avoid ‘Me Too’ Web Benchmarking (PDF)
- 10 Search Engine Optimization Tips (PDF)
From Predictive Consulting Group:
- No More Doom and Gloom! How to Market Smarter and Thrive (PDF)
- 50+ Ways to Make the Phone Ring (PDF; Printable B&W Version)
From Thaler Pekar & Partners:
- Serving On NonProfit Boards is Good Business (60 min audio file; fast forward 5 mins to hear Linda’s speech)
Other Resources
Social Media Resources:
- 12 Ways to Use Pinterest for Your Nonprofit from John Haydon
- 20 Tips for Nonprofits Using Twitter from Chris Tuttle
- 10 Tips for Non-Profits on Facebook from Sara Ines Calderon
- Tips for Using LinkedIn for Nonprofits from Joanne Fritz, Guide
- Five Nonprofits Maximizing YouTube’s Nonprofit Program
10 Deadly Sins of Benefit Auctions: How To Wreck Your Charity Fundraiser
from Kathy Kingston, Benefit Auction Strategist, Consultant & Professional Auctioneer, Kingston Auction Company
Nonprofit Career Resource Guide
from JobHero. Planning tools, articles, advice on starting your nonprofit
Tips for Driving Engagement on Social Media
how nonprofits can develop social media communication strategies from Queens University online programs
The BridgeSpan Group
Many helpful articles and resources from a group focused on consulting to nonprofits and philanthropic organizations
Low-cost web software to help you manage the ‘boring stuff’ like membership and contact records, payments, donations, website updates, event registrations, mass emails and more.
Non-Profit Accounting Software: Identify the Right Program for Your Organization
An overview of what basic nonprofit software can accomplish for your business along with popular products with user reviews. Also customized recommendations for businesses with a free software matching service.
Jeff Bulla’s Blog:
“7 Great Resources on Using Facebook For Your Non Profit Organisation, Personal Brand and Company”
Low-cost Fundraising for Non-profits
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