Leverage: The Difference in Marketing Today
lev*er*age – (lev’ rij) –n. 1. the action of a lever. 2. the mechanical advantage or power gained by using a lever. 3. power or ability to act effectively or to influence people. 4. the use of a small initial investment to gain a relatively high return.
What is Marketing Leverage?
In today’s environment, having a great product or a terrific technology is no longer sufficient to win in the marketplace. It’s crowded out there. Customers are bombarded with messages from multiple media — written, visual and online. They’re busy, stressed and cynical. To cut through the clutter and reach your target market effectively, you need to use all the resources you can, as effectively and efficiently as possible. When doing something that requires your full focus and brain power or want to relieve some stress, consider getting a brain booster like this may be the best adaptogen supplement!
That’s where Leverage2Market® Associates comes into play. We put our extensive experience and expertise to work for you directly. We help you improve the return on your marketing investment by focusing on three key areas of leverage.
- Clarity of Message and Positioning
- Robust Marketing Programs and Processes
- Effective Marketing Team Development
Individually, each of these is an important aspect of a company’s marketing strategy. Together, the synthesis of these three areas is critical in determining how effective your marketing efforts will be and, in turn, the degree of success of your marketing organization.
What Leverage2Market® Associates Does
Leverage2Market Associates drives businesses to improve their bottom line by more effectively leveraging their marketing programs, processes and people. The Leverage2Market approach focuses on three key Market Leverage Points: Messaging, Marketing Infrastructure and Marketing Team Readiness.
The more complex the product, the more important it is to develop differentiation by delivering clear, concise and on target messaging and communication strategies. These messages should be delivered in a framework that talks the customer’s language–not anyone else’s.
- Messages need to be direct and to the point and should be consistent from higher level corporate positioning to specific product or technology communications.
- Messages need to be global and channel ready.
- Sales tools must clearly articulate value in the customer’s terms in order to help sales channels deliver crisp, on-target messages that translate into increased sales.
Programs / Processes:
If a message sounds in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound? The best messaging strategies in the world won’t provide results if they’re not delivered to the right target audience.
- A robust marketing infrastructure helps go-to-market programs actually get up and go to market effectively.
- Product launchs, channel/partner programs, field rollouts and global marketing efforts are all dependent on being able to engage the right players at the right time to get results.
- Don’t wait until your next major marketing initiative is ready to go to find the weak links in your infrastructure. Find out how to build the foundation to deliver impactful marketing programs.
Team Readiness:
Today’s challenging business environment has raised the bar on what you expect from your marketing team members, but are they ready? Do they have the training, background and expertise to be successful in new and evolving roles?
- Building marketing capabilities helps drive improved business results.
- Helping marketing team members understand more about marketing as a discipline helps to improve their readiness and effectiveness.
- Mentoring and coaching empower team members to navigate the complexities of organizational structures, stakeholder management, team dynamics, and learn how to drive teams where the goal of win/win is achieved.
- Well-planned, focused education and professional development programs allow organizations to grow the capabilities of their marketing teams to effectively meet evolving business needs.
Leverage2Market Associates’ Capabilities
Leverage2Market Associates will work with you and your team to assess how to improve your marketing efforts in these critical areas.
Specific services include:
- Message review and development
- Marketing infrastructure review and enhancement
- Channel readiness review and recommendations, including development of partner strategies
- Development of sales support, training and communications programs
- Assessment of marketing team readiness, including development of training and professional development programs for marketing personnel, as well as coaching and mentoring of key marketing talent
- Marketing programs and services on an outsourced basis to supplement client organizations
- Marketing triage: Assessment of existing overdue or off cost projects, with development of get well plans to effectively manage projects back on track.
- Team facilitation
- Speaker on strategic marketing topics
Key to the process is the development of a set of customized metrics that help each organization assess its progress in achieving key goals and objectives.
We have access to a team of seasoned marketing professionals with a wide range of expertise. Our virtual team will assess and review your marketing activities and make appropriate recommendations. Bringing in these partners only as needed helps increase cost-effectiveness, while offering you access to a broad range of marketing services.
Who Needs This?
Who needs this leverage?
- Companies with marketing staff in transition.
- Companies with under-resourced or under-budgeted marketing functions.
- Companies who are rebuilding marketing functions with new leadership.
- Companies who are looking to improve ROI of marketing function.
- Companies who are looking to take marketing to next level.
In short, companies like yours.
Alan Weiss
The Million Dollar Consultant®
Summit Consulting Group