Top of Mind Thursday – December 28, 2023: Wishing You Less Next Year

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This is the time of year when we receive holiday greetings from friends, relatives, colleagues, long-lost connections, and of course everyone we ever did business with—ever.

Most of these well-meaning messages wish you more of something or another in the coming year. But this message is different: I think we’d all be better off with LESS in the future.

So here’s what I’m wishing you:

  • Less illness: COVID, flu, RSV, more serious stuff like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and more boring stuff like the common cold. Let’s have less of all of it.
  • Less conflict in your everyday life: Whether it’s a driver who cuts you off, a rude or unhelpful sales person, or someone in your life who drains the energy from you—we could all do with less of this.
  • Less violence in the world: This includes gun violence, rape, murder, terrorism, or the horrors of war.
  • Less bias and hate: We’d have a better world with less racism, sexism, antisemitism, and other types of institutionalized discrimination.
  • Less drama: Wouldn’t it be nice if people could just interact with each other in a kind, friendly way without having to bring an agenda to each encounter? What if people could do their job right the first time?
  • Less time spent on things that don’t matter: We all have things we do just because we’ve always done them. What if we could eliminate those activities and have more time to spend on things that are really important?

I’m sure you have your own list of items in your personal or business life that you’d like to see less of. Feel free to add to the list. But remember: The goal is to create less angst, anxiety, discontent, and distraction in your life—not more. The less said the better!

p.s. I’d wish you less annoying political campaigns and ads, but given that we’re entering an election year, that’s not something we’re likely to see in 2024.

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