An epidemic is hitting America…with more and more cases diagnosed each week.
No, it’s not the flu, HIV, or even the much-hyped dreaded Ebola fever. It’s the measles–that childhood disease that was practically eradicated with the introduction of vaccinations nearly 50 years ago. Nearly 100 cases have been connected to exposure at Disneyland in recent weeks.
However, because of a few discredited studies that mistakenly linked the MMR vaccination with autism, too many parents are choosing not to vaccinate their kids. This is not a private choice; it becomes a public health issue because these unvaccinated kids infect younger children and those with compromised immune systems who shouldn’t be exposed to a disease that may cause them serious harm.
It’s time we inject some common sense into the situation. Just like travelers are free to opt out of security screenings–but they can’t board an airplane, parents who opt out of mandatory vaccinations should not be allowed to send their kids to school, to camp, and especially not to places like Disneyland.
We teach our kids that decisions have consequences. It’s time for those who refuse to vaccinate their kids to learn this lesson as well.
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