Top of Mind Thursday – March 20, 2025: Interesting Times

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Perhaps you’ve heard of the Chinese curse may you live in interesting times. Well, things look pretty darn interesting right now.

Both domestic and international policy and processes in the United States have been turned upside down by the current administration. Countries we have considered allies for centuries are now suspect. Partnerships that have been sacrosanct since the end of WWII are now being revisited. New relationships with other political entities are being built in their place.

US governmental programs and agencies that have been functioning as expected are being dismantled and downsized. Law abiding individuals are afraid of being targeted because of their ethnicity or sexual preference. Protections we took for granted are now being questioned or eliminated. Prices of everyday items continue to rise.

Maya Angelou wisely said, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them.” We should therefore not be surprised to see these types of changes being implemented—we were warned they would be coming.

The question is how does one act in such times? There are protests and boycotts planned, but it’s unlikely these will have much of an impact on the current situation or the future. Neither will whining or crying about what’s going on.

Half the country voted for this course of action. If you don’t like what’s happening, instead of thrashing around complaining how this isn’t right, perhaps it’s time to create the narrative for an alternative future—one that a majority of voters can get behind.

What we need is a future that is an awful lot less interesting—one that appeals to Americans across the political spectrum. Let’s hope the right parties can be interested to start working towards that better future. We can’t take anything much more interesting than where we are now.

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